Therapeutic Eurythmy
The word Eurythmy stems from Greek roots meaning “beautiful” or “harmonious rhythm.”.
In this profound relationship to beauty and rhythm, Eurythmy is a form of movement that can bring one’s body back into balance.
In the light of Anthroposophy, we understand the human being to be more than just a physical body. Rudolf Steiner described another, more subtle aspect of the bodily vehicle: the life body. This aspect of the bodily nature resides just beyond the boundary of the physical body and is not visible to the physical eyes. The life body, sometimes referred to as the etheric or ether body, connects us to each other worldwide. These life-giving forces are what Eurythmy is intrinsically and consciously connected to as a movement practice.
“What is it that my Divine working out of primeval, cosmic being, does in me as a human being? If you would give the answer to this question you must make the eurythmic movements. The Divine eurythmetizes, and as the result of its eurythmy there arises the form of the human being.”
Rudolf Steiner, Eurythmy as Visible Speech.
Care and Renewal | Workshops | Child Studies
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Marilyn Myres
Marilyn is a practising eurythmist specialising in health and therapeutic work. She has been involved with Steiner education since 1981 through the Gabriel Health Centre in Melbourne, the Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School where her children were educated and involvement with the establishment of the Melbourne Therapy Centre. During this period she was a director in the not-for-profit organisation establishing Canticle Bakery / Café, which promoted biodynamic food and products, and offered work opportunities for young people. It was also over this time that Marilyn completed a six year Eurythmy training at Aurora Australis in Melbourne and went on to teach Eurythmy in Rudolf Steiner schools ( K to 8 ) throughout Melbourne and New South Wales.
Marilyn has performed Eurythmy in the Wings of Sound productions in Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney, and with colleagues continues to provide performances for Waldorf Schools.
In 2000 Marilyn completed a 3-year Diploma in Therapeutic Eurythmy at Peredur Centre in East Grinstead England and has continued her professional development through participating in International Post Graduate Medical Training and Tone Eurythmy Therapy Training in the UK and Australia. She provides one-on-one therapeutic eurythmy to children and to all ages in her private practice in her home based studio, as well as at Inner Work Path retreats. She also provides all eurythmy components that may be within Inner Work Path courses and has authored a lesson for EduCareDo’s year-long course Spirit-led Education for a Spirit-led Life.