Care & Renewal

During Conference Breaks at the Steiner Teacher Intensives, Newcastle 2025

Awaken| Digest | Restore | Refresh | Re-harmonise

A quiet, reverent space for experiencing beauty is held whilst engaging with colour, form and daily hygienic self-care practices.

Morning (from 7am)
Lunch (1pm)
Dinner (6pm)
From Wednesday January 15th

You’ll find us in the Kindergarten

Each session will vary, offering opportunities to experience harmonising qualities of rose facecloths, hand-baths, rose sphagni lotion, silk mantles and chalk pastels.

Enquires: 0419424935

Lynette Clifton

Lyn is a Community Health Social Worker who combines her anthroposophic wholistic healthcare training to bring home healthcare simply and practically to the daily life of children, parents, carers and teachers.

Lyn’s home healthcare practices were refined through studies with the nurses at Taruna College New Zealand’s course Certificate of Holistic Healthcare, and additional training to qualify in practicing  Rhythmical Einreibung. Read more.

Simone Weihermann

Simone Weihermann

Simone is a qualified art teacher (BA Ed., BA Vis Arts) and has been a class teacher from 2006 to 2021 taking two classes from class 1-6 and teaching art in the middle school years. Having completed an introduction course to
anthroposophical painting therapy in 2010 Simone continued on to complete the Anthroposophical Art Therapy training between 2016 and 2020. Simone is currently working therapeutically with children and adults and supporting retreats at Myocum. Simone has been participating in the Inner Work Path courses and EduCareDo for many years.

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