Rhythmical Einreibung Body Oiling
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Oils, ointments and teas are offered in baths, compresses and massage to encourage self-healing forces.
Each application may accompany one another or stand alone as gentle yet powerful supports for rest and for the organs to regain healthy rhythms. Touch, encompassing care, rhythm and warmth is at the essence of each application. They may be applied to support individual constitutions, life transitions, specific illnesses and recovery from illness.
Rhythmical einreibung has its beginnings in the 1920’s with Dr Ita Wegman and Dr. Margarethe Hauschka. With their training in physiotherapy and medicine they applied the spiritual scientific understanding of the human being to Swedish massage. The technique provides rhythmical elements and qualities that create lightness rather than pressure. The strokes work with the surface of the skin rather than kneading the body as in traditional massage. Warm towels enfold the patient and selected warm oil is applied. A period of rest invites a gathering-in and a reconnection to one’s centred place.
Compresses and footbaths apply the healing substance over organs or limbs in combination with water, warmth and wrapping. In the practice of Anthroposophic medicine they have an important place in both the hospital and home, to bring harmony and healing from wound dressings to chest infections and anxiety. On retreat, compresses may be applied by nurses, home care practitioners or massage therapists according to your need.
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Lynette Clifton
Lyn is a Community Health Social Worker who combines her anthroposophic wholistic healthcare training to bring home healthcare simply and practically to the daily life of children, parents, carers and teachers.
In the 1980’s Lyn worked with communities and schools across Greater Sydney to provide a range of early childhood formal childcare and support services to families of diverse backgrounds. Lyn was President of the NSW Occasional Child Care Association and an advocate, representative and educator for children’s services policy development and quality Australia wide.
Alongside her own growing family (more than 20 years ago), Lyn took up studies in early childhood at Parsifal College (Sydney Rudolf Steiner College). From this work grew home-based child / parent groups to support young families, and was recognised as complementary to Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner School in Sydney. Lyn also studied EduCareDo’s Foundation Year in Anthroposophy and the complementary Towards Health and Healing workshop series with Lisa Romero, which fortified her individual development and directed her towards Inner Work Path. Lyn’s home healthcare practices were refined through studies with the nurses at Taruna College New Zealand’s course Certificate of Holistic Healthcare, and additional training to qualify in practicing Rhythmical Einreibung.
Over these past two to three decades Lyn has been a founding member of numerous initiatives including Anthroposophic Care for the Young Child Association in Sydney, Glenaeon Rudolf Steiner Preschool and Developing the Self Developing the World.
Lyn now specialises in what she names the Mantle of Care, to bring home health care to individuals, families and class groups.