The Biography Work is an inquiry into the cycles of the individual life story.
We experience two biographies inner/outer, physical/spiritual, revealing destiny pictures of our lives and people we meet. Mapping these cycles provides patterns of past and present to support working with self development for world development. Inner landscapes are explored using dialogue and artistic representations in mediums such as watercolour painting and clay modelling to support and embody the lived experience. Insights from one’s biography can highlight and deepen understandings of the capacities being developed in this lifetime.

Sandra Kimball
NSW, Australia
Sandra Kimball (B.A, Dip Counselling, MACA Level 4) works as a therapist, writer and adult educator in mental health. She had formal anthroposophical counselling training in biography work and painting and clay therapy from Sophia College. Sandra works in private practice with individuals and groups to explore their life stories to unearth emerging themes and patterns to illuminate one’s purpose and direction for the future. She has been on the support team at several Inner Work Path retreats and workshops and has been a study group holder for the Inner and Outer Biography study groups.

Geraldine Devas
NSW, Australia
Geraldine has worked with aspects of wellbeing in several Steiner School communities over the last 30 years, supporting students, parents and staff as school Counsellor and Creative arts therapist.
She facilitates individual and group biography work in private practice. Through the combination of dialogue with creative arts as tools of transformation the sessions work towards recognising and meeting what needs to be overcome for future development.
Geraldine holds a Bachelor of.Education and M.A. Counselling with creative arts. She is a Member of Australian Counselling Association.