Astrosophy is a new star (Astro) wisdom (Sophia), a spiritual science for understanding our relationship to the world of the stars.
Rudolf Steiner said the visible stars are the physical manifestation of spiritual beings who, helped guide humanity’s evolution, in times past.
Astrosophy involves casting an astrological sidereal zodiac chart, from the time, date and place of birth, the first breath. Reading from the chart, the zodiacal fixed stars – the twelve constellations, echoed in the physical body. The placement of planets in the chart and their rhythmical movement through time, echoes through the etheric body. The aspects between the planets, expressed as a dynamic in human consciousness, echoes in the astral body. The twelve houses divide up the chart, as earthly realms where individuals unfold their deeds and the initiatives of one’s “I” consciousness. Star Wisdom is a tool to understand personal biography, one’s capacities, patterns and planetary rhythms that unfold one’s purpose, trials and tribulations and future directions. Who am I here on Earth in relation to others? What is my Mission? Through questions and conversation, the chart is enabled to unfold in an illuminating and inspiring way.
“The stars spoke once to humanity. It is world destiny, that they are silent now. To be aware of the silence can become pain for earthly humans. But in the deepening silence there grows and ripens what humans speaks to the stars.” Rudolf Steiner
Fiona Maunder
Fiona has been an Astrologer for 20 years, extending into working with the Sidereal Zodiac and Astrosophy in recent years, training in The New Astrology, Sidereal Star Wisdom. Fiona came to Astrosophy whilst practising as a Naturopath for 29 years, where she met Anthroposophy, training through EduCareDo, The Prescribers Course and Inner Work Path. Fiona also holds a Masters in Indigenous Studies Trauma and Healing (Wellbeing).